We commit to providing safe and supportive environments which nurture the wellbeing of all students and staff in our community, and hold firmly to the belief that they have a right to be safe, respected and valued in an inclusive environment. We know that when students are happy, they are more engaged with their learning.

Schools benefit from wellbeing initiatives and pastoral care support through Sydney Catholic Schools – in areas such as anti-bullying, positive behaviour, student counselling, refugee support and child protection – which range from universal support for all students, to targeted interventions for students with complex social and emotional needs.

Positive Education

At Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Mosman, our approach to pastoral care is guided by the principles of positive education. All staff at Sacred Heart are committed towards the building of a school community where the wellbeing of all students and staff is given the same priority as academic achievement.

We believe that an emphasis on positive education can play a preventative role in reducing depression, anxiety and stress within the school environment. A positive education framework provides opportunities for students and staff to increase both their wellbeing and performance through specific learning experiences and the development of a shared language and understanding. We have a focus on raising an awareness on the development of character strengths at Sacred Heart.

students standing in front of school mural

The Catholic nature of Sacred Heart emphasises the nurturing of a family spirit, which is experienced in the welcoming, inclusive and supportive school community. In accordance with the Federal Government’s National Safe Schools Framework which informs our focus on Positive Education and Wellbeing, we believe that child safety and wellbeing are enhanced when students feel connected to their school, have positive and respectful relationships with their peers and teachers, feel confident about their social and emotional skills and satisfied with their learning experiences at school.

All relationships at Sacred Heart are based on mutual respect and honest, open communication. All individuals are accepted for who they are and are celebrated for the gifts, talents and abilities they share with the school community. Bullying behaviour has no place at Sacred Heart and staff are vigilant in their monitoring of it, supporting all children.

Celebrations are an important part of life at Sacred Heart. Regular Masses and liturgies are an opportunity to celebrate faith and spirituality, while other events are held to mark special occasions and successes such as our special Weeks 5 and 9 assemblies each term where we present awards to children from each class who have exemplified the school values of Faith, Generosity and Courage.

The management of children’s behaviour forms part of effective pastoral care at Sacred Heart and is articulated in our Sacred Heart Behaviour Management Policy. It encourages children to learn from their mistakes, be aware of the consequences of their actions and consider the needs and rights of others. The school takes a firm, but fair stance on behaviour management, working in close partnership with families. Children are encouraged to exercise self-discipline, respect and courtesy, and take pride in themselves, their work and their school.

Pastoral Care and Wellbeing is an important part of the education of the whole child at Sacred Heart. Many programs are in place to ensure that each child is physically safe, cared for and nurtured.

Some of the programs that are in place for students to access are:

KidsMatter Primary is a mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and is proven to make a positive difference to the lives of Australian children.

Positive Behaviour for Learning
A whole school program where students are explicitly taught the school rules in a positive way through role play and reward systems.

Peer Support
A whole school program where students are explicitly taught the ways of dealing with others and communicating effectively in a respectful way.

Student Representative Council
The student representative council is led by the Pastoral Care Coordinator who meets regularly with students who can voice concerns and identify student led initiatives.

Lunch Clubs
Students are offered Lunch Clubs each day as a way of tapping into their interests and communicating effectively with others in a supervised situation. Some lunch clubs offered this year are: Gardening, Coding, Knitting.

Buddy Program for Kindergarten
Each new student meets their Year Six buddy before they start school. The Year Six buddies guide the Kinder students in their first experiences of school especially on the playground. New families are also buddied with existing families to assist with orientation and the transition to Sacred Heart.

School Counsellor
If a child requires counselling for any reason they can be referred to the School Counsellor through the Principal.

Anti-bullying policy

Sydney Catholic Schools rejects all forms of bullying behaviours, including online (or cyber) bullying, by maintaining a commitment to providing safe, inclusive and respectful learning communities that promote student wellbeing for learning. Staff at Sydney Catholic Schools are committed to employing wellbeing strategies that allow for a healthy school environment where bullying is less likely to occur.

If your child is experiencing bullying of any kind, or you have a wellbeing concern, we have a number of support services available for parents/carers and students, as listed below.

Support services: